Learn more about D19
North Dakota Legislative District 19 includes the towns of Grafton, Park River, Walhalla, Cavalier, Pembina, Drayton, Minto, Osnabrock, Fordville and many more. We’re right in the NE corner of the state. Canada to the north and MN to the east.

District 19 is one of the 47 legislative districts in North Dakota. Each legislative district elects one Senator and two Representatives. These Legislators represent us in the North Dakota Legislature.
What does the D19 Republican Party do?
We promote the ideals and purposes of the Republican Party, assist with local election integrity, and help elect and support D19 Republican legislators. The D19 Republican Party also elects Delegates to serve at Republican state conventions and our Chairman represents D19 on the NDGOP State Committee, the governing body of the North Dakota Republican Party.
What does the republican party stand for?
Republicans believe the rights of American citizens proceed from The Creator, not from government. Government authority proceeds only from the consent of the People. Individuals, including the unborn, have the intrinsic right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
We believe in personal responsibility, limited government, peace through strength and the rule of law, lower taxes, the right to bear arms, family integrity and the American moral tradition, quality education, and legislative integrity.
For more details read the NDGOP Platform.
We’re glad you’re taking the time to learn about your local Republican Party. We invite you to get involved and look forward to hearing from you.
The best way to make sure you’re in the loop is to sign up for our email newsletter (head over to our Get involved page). But you can also check us out on Facebook, if you do, dont forget to follow us.
Paid for by the District 19 Republican Party. Isaac Stegman, Chair